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Diablo II Version 1.0 Server on Hamachi

Normal Version 1.0 D2 is open on My IP through Hamachi vpn all quests open. Do not forget to turn off Hamachi after gameplay. If anyone is interested in playing version 1 d2 and you need an ISO backup copy of your play disc reach out t... (Read More)

This Week's Halo Events!

2/5 - Big Team Battle Event 7PM-10:30PM MST. 2/6 - Custom PVP Event 6PM CST. Please put a reaction on each event based on your expected attendance in our #division-events channel on Discord.

Valentines/Candy Contest - D2

Check out the contest on the forum at:


Halo Event on 1/29

Friday 1/29 I'm hosting a BTB (Big Team Battle) event from 7:00 PM to 10:30 PM MST.

Please react on the event based on your expected attendance in #division-events under the Halo division on Discord.

Back by popular demand...

"Cards Against Humanity" night hosted by yours truly, Compfreak(OD)!

When: Saturday, Feb. 20th, 2021 @ 8pm CST

Where: On Discord!

What to Bring: good sense of humor, internet browser, and your beverage of choice!

Signups / Details:
https://forum... (Read More)

Purplez' 11th Scavenger Hunt contest

Easy to enter, easy to win. First one to find and post a screen shot of the scavenger hunt items winz 100 fg.


Rescheduled Ironman. Mondy HCCL IRONMAN at 8Pm EST

1st place is HotSpurs for Hardcore Classic Ladder.
Also Ironman is in Hardcore Classic Ladder.
Get to level 9.
FFA Dual in the box between cold plains and bloom moor.
Rules are.
No leaving the area.
Potions are allowed.
Last man standing wins.
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Diablo 2 Hardcore Classic Ladder Ironman

This event is to be determined when. Hotspurs for the winner. Get in contact with HDK(OD) with the times you are available. Looking at late Friday currently. Maybe saturday.
Rules are simple. Get to level 9 wait in town till everyone is level 9. The... (Read More)

Upcoming Halo Events!

1/22 - Big Team Battle Event 7PM-10:30PM MST. 1/23 - Customs Event 9PM-11PM GMT. 1/24 - Customs Event 5PM-9PM EST. Please put a reaction on each event based on your expected attendance in our #division-events channel on Discord.

Diablo II Pre Expansion

Looking for players. Looking for help setting this up. Please check out the Diablo II forums if you are interested.

Last 10 Minutes

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