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Commander R.agnarok(OD) |
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Member's Name: | R.agnarok(OD) | |
Rank: | Commander | |
Email: | [email protected] | |
Discord: | R.agnarok(OD)#7290 | |
Steam: | R.agnarok(OD) | |
SCII Character: | Ragnarok.644 | |
Battle.net Tag: | RagnarokOD#1671 | |
Current Status: | Active | |
Recruited By: | RuSh(OD) | |
Date Recruited: | Thu Dec 18, 2003 | |
Quote: |
http://www.overdosed.net/index.php?view=Tournament&uid=rhjja0ecp4 http://www.overdosed.net/index.php?view=Tournament&uid=77x2m7cpue http://www.overdosed.net/index.php?view=Tournament&uid=vxzvqw317r http://www.overdosed.net/index.php?view=Tournament&uid=xmy0qj8kvm http://www.overdosed.net/index.php?view=Tournament&uid=ufk4xxwb31 Captain RuSh(OD) successfully recruited R.agnarok(OD) on Thu Dec 18, 2003 19:37:06 GMT. on Wed Dec 31st, 1969 at 04:00:00 PM GMT. Master Warrant Officer MWO5 SeXiCaN(OD) promoted Staff Sergeant R.agnarok(OD) to Sergeant First Class for very good gamer and active to the clan on Fri Jan 23, 2004 03:36:28 GMT. on Wed Dec 31st, 1969 at 04:00:00 PM GMT Colonel Dosed(OD) promoted Sergeant First Class R.agnarok(OD) to Master Sergeant for Active bw east player ConGradulations on Mon Feb 09, 2004 07:11:18 GMT. on Wed Dec 31st, 1969 at 04:00:00 PM GMT. First Lieutenant SeXiCaN(OD) promoted Master Sergeant R.agnarok(OD) to First Sergeant for being active and loyal to the clan keep it up on Tue Feb 24, 2004 04:10:03 GMT. on Wed Dec 31st, 1969 at 04:00:00 PM GMT. Captain SeXiCaN(OD) promoted First Sergeant R.agnarok(OD) to Sergeant Major for Being a Great asset to clan OD Keep it up ( very Active ) on Wed Mar 10, 2004 01:44:26 GMT. on Wed Dec 31st, 1969 at 04:00:00 PM GMT. First Lieutenant Gacan(OD) promoted Sergeant Major R.agnarok(OD) to Warrant Officer WO1 for very active + skilled, keep it up! on Thu Mar 25, 2004 00:02:12 GMT. on Wed Dec 31st, 1969 at 04:00:00 PM GMT. Major General Dosed(OD) setrank Warrant Officer WO1 R.agnarok(OD) to rank Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 for This was the prize for winning the tourney today you beat alot of great od players to get this far great job ConGradulations on Sat Mar 27, 2004 20:20:37 GMT. on Wed Dec 31st, 1969 at 04:00:00 PM GMT Lieutenant Colonel Omnikilla(OD) promoted Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 R.agnarok(OD) to Chief Warrant Officer CWO3 for Rag my dawg. Very Very skilled at Bw. One of our finest. Congrats. on Fri Apr 09, 2004 00:14:20 GMT. on Wed Dec 31st, 1969 at 04:00:00 PM GMT. Colonel RuSh(OD) promoted Chief Warrant Officer CWO3 R.agnarok(OD) to Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 for Great gamer and member... has been an awesome asset to clan OD.. GJ man and keep up the good work! ;D on Sat Apr 24, 2004 00:09:52 GMT. on Wed Dec 31st, 1969 at 04:00:00 PM GMT Captain NewbCrack(OD) promoted Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 R.agnarok(OD) to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 for Great Gamer and active on Sun May 09, 2004 00:22:00 GMT. on Wed Dec 31st, 1969 at 04:00:00 PM GMT. Commander ChoBo(OD) promoted Master Warrant Officer MWO5 R.agnarok(OD) to Second Lieutenant for active on b.net, keep up the good work! on Fri May 28, 2004 23:07:16 GMT. on Wed Dec 31st, 1969 at 04:00:00 PM GMT. Major R.agnarok(OD) was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel with 25 total cumulative points from Commander BigBaller(OD), General dgreenbud(OD), Brigadier General Shane(OD), for starting to be more active like he used to be i see him on quite often now :-) very good gamer very good mannered always up for a game and always fun to game with gj man u deserve this :-) on Tue Mar 1st, 2005 at 01:39:57 AM GMT. Lieutenant Colonel R.agnarok(OD) was promoted to Colonel with 27 total cumulative points from Commander BigBaller(OD), General dgreenbud(OD), Lieutenant General Dosed(OD), for games with me everyday and allways up for a game when hes on gj on Thu Mar 31st, 2005 at 06:32:29 AM GMT Colonel R.agnarok(OD) was promoted to Brigadier General with 29 total cumulative points from Commander BigBaller(OD), Commander ChoBo(OD), General dgreenbud(OD), for Your dedicated and loyatly to OverDosed is greatly appericiated, we feel you should be in a position to help out OverDosed members even more! Congrats on general. on Sat Jul 30th, 2005 at 06:34:42 PM GMT. Commander FireBabe(OD) promoted Brigadier General R.agnarok(OD) to Major General for Active BW general! Thank you for your dedication! Congrats and good luck! on Fri Mar 10th, 2006 at 09:07:21 PM GMT. Major General R.agnarok(OD) was promoted to Lieutenant General with 20 total cumulative points from Commander shraps(OD), Commander IVIano(OD), for Easily one of the most active and down to earth bnet Generals. Level headed and very fair to the members of OD. Congratz man. on Thu Jun 1st, 2006 at 06:05:34 PM GMT. Commander IVIano(OD) promoted Lieutenant General R.agnarok(OD) to General for Rag is active as hell on bnet and a very calm down to earth guy, grats. on Sun Jul 30th, 2006 at 07:58:25 PM GMT. General R.agnarok(OD) was promoted to Commander with 60 total cumulative points from Commander IVIano(OD), Commander ChoBo(OD), for grats on commander on Sun Jul 30th, 2006 at 09:20:17 PM GMT. Free promo to whoever find the rest of my promo logs xD |
Last Promotion on: | Mon Jul 31, 2006 |
Days Since Promotion: | 6773 |
Last Demotion on: | Thu Apr 27, 2006 |
Days Since Demotion: | 6867 |
Main Game: | ![]() |
Other Games: | ![]() | |
Not currently in any active squads. |
Not currently in any Team. | |
Days Since Login: | 0 | |
Days in Clan: | 7722 | |
Disablement Record: | Left: Jan 17, 04 Returned: Jan 24, 04 Days Gone: 7 | |
Times Left Clan: | 1 | |
Recruits: | 112 (3.6% still in the clan. Ratio: 4:350)
[View Recruits] | |
News Posts: | 9 | |
Online Status: | ![]() |
Days Medals
Awarded to members with more than 100 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 100th day. Reason given: This award was automatically given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) For: 100 days in clan. Date: Sat Apr 03, 2004 8:41 PM. ![]()
Awarded to members with more than 200 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 200th day. Reason given: This award was automatically given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) For: 200 days in clan. Date: Mon Jul 12, 2004 2:45 PM. ![]()
Awarded to members with more than 300 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 300th day. Reason given: This award was automatically given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) For: 300 days in clan. Date: Thu Oct 21, 2004 1:26 AM. ![]()
Awarded to members with more than 365 days (1 year) in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 365th day. Reason given: This award was automatically given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) For: 365 days in clan. Date: Sat Dec 25, 2004 10:26 AM. ![]()
Awarded to members with more than 500 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 500th day. Reason given: This award was automatically given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) For: 500 days in clan. Date: Sun May 08, 2005 3:33 PM. ![]()
Awarded to members with more than 730 days (2 years) in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 730th day. Reason given: This award was automatically given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) For: 730 days in clan. Date: Sat Dec 24, 2005 12:39 PM. ![]()
Awarded to members with more than 1000 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 1000th day. Reason given: This award was automatically given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) For: 1000 days in clan. Date: Tue Sep 19, 2006 11:26 AM. ![]()
Awarded to members with more than 1095 (3 years) days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 1095th day. Reason given: This award was automatically given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) For: 1095 days in clan. Date: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:28 PM. ![]()
Awarded to members with more than 1460 days (4 years) in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 1460th day. Reason given: This award was automatically given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) For: 1460 days in clan. Date: Tue Jul 17, 2007 5:04 AM.
Basic Medals
Awarded to anyone who has 0 DSL for a week straight. This is the only medal that can be requested. Ask any Officer or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Lieutenant Colonel Omnikilla(OD) For: Shows high level of skill in bw! congrats! Date: Wed Mar 10, 2004 7:36 AM. ![]()
Awarded to members who help the community through any form of professional service (Coding, Web Design, Graphics, etc.) Awarded by Senior Officer or higher Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Brigadier General Terra(OD) For: Ragnarok has tweaked or designed half the scripting our website uses nowadays, including the Medal script I'm using to award him this. If that doesn't qualify someone for the Purple Heart Medal then we are all screwed. Date: Wed Jun 10, 2015 6:39 AM. ![]()
Awarded to members who have shown that they go out of their way to help peers and are always able to aid the clan in times of difficulty. Awarded by any Senior Officer or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Commander corgur(OD) For: you've done for the clan. Date: Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:03 AM. ![]()
Awarded to members who have done exceptional work for their division. Must have recommendation from one of the division leaders. Awarded by any Senior Officer or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Commander Terra(OD) For: R.ag has been a considerably helpful asset to the King's Raid Squad, often helping members run group conquests or teaming up to run guild conquests. Date: Thu Sep 20, 2018 4:30 AM.
Skill Medals
Awarded to members who have shown a capable level of proficiency and skill, and understanding in a certain game. This medal is awarded by Warrant Officers or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Lieutenant General dgreenbud(OD) For: skilled broodwar gamer Date: Mon Apr 12, 2004 4:27 AM. ![]()
Awarded to members who have shown a high level of proficiency and skill, and deep understanding in a certain game. This medal can only be awarded by any Officer or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Lieutenant General dgreenbud(OD) For: very skilled broodwar gamer Date: Mon Apr 12, 2004 4:16 AM. ![]()
Awarded to members who have shown a extraordinary level of proficiency and skill, and profound understanding in a certain game. This medal can only be awarded by a General or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Lieutenant General dgreenbud(OD) For: very skilled broodwar gamer good job Date: Thu Apr 29, 2004 1:34 AM.
Activity Medals
A preliminary medal awarded for activeness in Game, Forums, Discord, and Social Media (ie Facebook and Twitter). Awarded only by any Warrant Officer or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Brigadier General solidsnake(OD) For: happy new year keep up gj^_^, everyone loves medals! Date: Tue Dec 30, 2003 8:39 AM. ![]()
Awarded for high activeness in Game, Forums, Discord, and Social Media (ie Facebook and Twitter). Recipient must have received the Defense Distinguished Service Medal and shown consistent activity. Awarded only by Officers or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Commander corgur(OD) For: in terms of site scripting, b.net bot scripting, and level-headed leadership. I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of other things he's done for the clan, and many of them I probably don't even know about because I wasn't here to see them happen. OD will always remember and appreciate all Date: Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:02 AM. ![]()
Awarded for supreme activeness in Game, Forums, Discord, and Social Media (ie Facebook and Twitter). Recipient must have received the Defense Superior Service Medal and shown consistent activity. Awarded only by Generals or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Commander Purplez(OD) For: It is his birthday today and the last medal allowed. Let us all send a shout out to Rag! Date: Fri Apr 21, 2023 12:52 PM.
Loyalty Medals
This medal is awarded to the above average member who has shown his loyalty. Awarded only by Officer or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Brigadier General Brittany(OD) For: good member, very loyal good job Date: Sat Feb 14, 2004 4:51 PM. ![]()
This medal is given to members who have proven themselves loyal and trustworthy. Recipient must have received the Navy Achievement Medal. Awarded only by Senior Officers or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Commander corgur(OD) For: I think it's safe to say that R.ag is loyal and trustworthy. Date: Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:52 AM. ![]()
This medal is given only to members who are competent, loyal, reliable at all times. Recipient must have received the Navy Cross Medal. Awarded only by Generals or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Commander corgur(OD) For: Anyone who says their "life will end when OD dies" is reliable and loyal at all times. Even if they actually meant their b.net/gaming life. Date: Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:53 AM.
Tournament Medals
This medal is awarded to members who wins an outterclan tournament. Must have some type of proof. Awarded only by Officer or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Lieutenant General dgreenbud(OD) For: WON A OUTTERCLAN TOURNEY GJ:-) Date: Mon Apr 12, 2004 4:14 AM. ![]()
This medal is given to a member who wins an interclan tournament. Awarded only by Warrant Officer or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Colonel Viper(OD) For: won in-clan tourney Date: Sat Jan 31, 2004 12:52 AM. ![]()
This medal is given to a member who wins at least TWO interclan tournaments. Awarded only by Warrant Officer or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Lieutenant General dgreenbud(OD) For: won two interclan tournaments !goodjob! Date: Sat Mar 27, 2004 8:51 PM.
Knowledge Medals
This Medal is awarded to anyone that has a basic knowledge of bots. Must be able to load at least ONE bot. Awarded only by Officers or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Brigadier General RuSh(OD) For: showed me he can load a bot and run it's basic operations GJ teach ME! lol Date: Tue Jun 01, 2004 9:47 PM. ![]()
This Medal is awarded to anyone that has an excellent knowledge of bots. Must be able to load at least FOUR bots all at once on the same realm. Recipient must have received the Navy Achievement Medal. Awarded only by Officer or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by General dgreenbud(OD) For: can load 6 bots congrats Date: Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:13 PM. ![]()
This Medal is awarded to anyone that has an exceptional knowledge of bots. Must be able to load at least EIGHT bots all at once on the same realm. Recipient must have received the Navy Achievement Medal. Awarded only by Officers or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Commander Aerineth(OD) For: Not necessarily for having the knowledge of loading bots.. but being that he's run the Chieftain account for the Diablo 2 account. Any modifications to the channel bots always go through you, and all the updates we've gotten have been from your experience as a bot holder. (I wanted to give you a medal. :P) - Aer Date: Wed May 24, 2017 4:55 AM.
Diplomatic Medals
Awarded for helping set up an alliance. The clan must be active, at least 2 months old, mature leader (no 13 years old), at 25 members, and decent website. Only awarded by a Commander until further notice. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Commander Badboi(OD) For: R.ag helped me with the merger of the AH LoL team back in 2011. Thanks. Date: Sun Dec 01, 2019 6:52 PM.
Honor Medals
This the second highest medal can be awarded. This medal is given only to members who are EXTREMELY loyal, trustworthy, and reliable at all times. Can ONLY be awarded by a General or higher. Recipient must have received Legion of Merit Medal and the Defense Meritorious Service Medal. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Commander corgur(OD) For: Has made his mark on the OD site just as the founding commanders of OD in the past have . . . without R.ag, we would be missing more site features that many members now take for granted than can be listed here. Devotes an enormous amount of time and effort to improving the clan. Date: Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:56 AM. ![]()
The highest medal you can receive. This medal shows supreme dedication, supreme loyalty, supreme activeness, and supreme helpful to the clan. Can ONLY be awarded by a commander. Recipient must have received Meritorious Service Medal, and only Major Generals and higher ranks are eligible. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Commander corgur(OD) For: I've only seen his loyalty and commitment to OD over the past 3 years, which is just two-thirds of the time he's been part of the clan, but in that time, he's contributed incredible improvements to both ODBW, including designing and starting BWEMT, and the clan as a whole, Date: Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:01 AM. ![]()
Medal awarded as a choice option for Donator Rewards at or exceeding $100 USD. Only awarded by Donation Administration. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by General CompFreak(OD) For: Has donated $100 or more lifetime Date: Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:02 PM.
Member of the Month Medals
This medal is given to a member who wins an OD Awards event. Awarded only by Officers or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by Commander Tris(OD) For: He has won the Fall 2014 award for best web profile, congratulations! Date: Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:51 PM. ![]()
This medal is given to a member who wins at least TWO OD Award events. Awarded only by Officers or higher. Reason given: This award was given to Commander R.agnarok(OD) by General Badboi(OD) For: Won Quietiest Member Q4 2015 Date: Fri Dec 25, 2015 5:02 PM. |
Total Views for this Page Since July 03, 2007: 6660 |