Welcome to Clan Overdosed!

Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD)  Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD)
.:: Information ::.
 PM This Member 
 Member's Name: Tester(OD)
 Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
 Email: Member has not made his e-mail public
 Current Status: Disabled
 Recruited By: Dosed(OD)
 Date Recruited: Sat Jul 31, 2004

.:: Demotion / Promotion Information ::.
 Last Promotion on: Mon Oct 28, 2013
 Days Since Promotion: 4127
 Last Demotion on: Wed Dec 04, 2013
 Days Since Demotion: 4089

.:: Games Currently Playing ::.
 Main Game:
 Other Games:

.:: Squad Information ::.
Not currently in any active squads.

.:: Team Information ::.
Not currently in any Team.

.:: Activity ::.
Days in Clan: 1513
Disablement Record: Left: Aug 29, 05 Returned: Apr 01, 08 Days Gone: 946
Left: Mar 18, 11 Returned: Oct 27, 13 Days Gone: 955
Currently disabled since: Dec 05, 13
Times Left Clan: 2
Recruits: 100 (0.0% still in the clan. Ratio: 0:350) [View Recruits]
News Posts: 12
Online Status: Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) is currently offline.

.:: Awards Earned : 28 ::.

Days Medals
Awarded to members with more than 100 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 100th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD)

100 days in clan.

Tue Nov 09, 2004 12:18 AM.

Awarded to members with more than 200 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 200th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD)

200 days in clan.

Wed Feb 16, 2005 5:10 AM.

Awarded to members with more than 300 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 300th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD)

300 days in clan.

Fri May 27, 2005 6:57 PM.

Awarded to members with more than 365 days (1 year) in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 365th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD)

365 days in clan.

Sat Jul 30, 2005 7:38 AM.

Awarded to members with more than 500 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 500th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD)

500 days in clan.

Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:47 AM.

Awarded to members with more than 730 days (2 years) in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 730th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD)

730 days in clan.

Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:10 PM.

Awarded to members with more than 1000 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 1000th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD)

1000 days in clan.

Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:13 PM.

Awarded to members with more than 1095 (3 years) days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 1095th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD)

1095 days in clan.

Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:24 PM.

Awarded to members with more than 1460 days (4 years) in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 1460th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD)

1460 days in clan.

Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:07 PM.

Basic Medals
Awarded to anyone who has 0 DSL for a week straight. This is the only medal that can be requested. Ask any Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) by General dgreenbud(OD)

had 0dsl for a week..good job

Date: Sun Aug 22, 2004 5:46 AM.

Awarded to members who help the community through any form of professional service (Coding, Web Design, Graphics, etc.) Awarded by Senior Officer or higher

Reason given:
This award was given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) by Commander corgur(OD)

made some very nice pics for the site . . . hopefully they get used some day. http://img39.exs.cx/img39/6443/OD2.gif

Date: Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:42 PM.

Awarded to members who have shown that they go out of their way to help peers and are always able to aid the clan in times of difficulty. Awarded by any Senior Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) by General BOTOOH(OD)

Hosting clan tournies all the time and keeping east channel very alive.

Date: Wed Mar 09, 2005 1:25 PM.

Awarded to members who have done exceptional work for their division. Must have recommendation from one of the division leaders. Awarded by any Senior Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) by Brigadier General PwNeD(OD)

Congrats, I like all the work you contributed towards it. You went above and beyond.

Date: Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:19 AM.

Skill Medals
Awarded to members who have shown a capable level of proficiency and skill, and understanding in a certain game. This medal is awarded by Warrant Officers or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) by General BOTOOH(OD)

Good gamer and GM is OwNage

Date: Sun Aug 22, 2004 5:33 AM.

Awarded to members who have shown a high level of proficiency and skill, and deep understanding in a certain game. This medal can only be awarded by any Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) by Lieutenant General Dosed(OD)

Leader of Elite Squad of BW

Date: Sun Mar 06, 2005 12:02 AM.

Awarded to members who have shown a extraordinary level of proficiency and skill, and profound understanding in a certain game. This medal can only be awarded by a General or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) by Lieutenant General Dosed(OD)

Leader of Elite Squad of BW

Date: Sun Mar 06, 2005 12:02 AM.

Activity Medals
A preliminary medal awarded for activeness in Game, Forums, Discord, and Social Media (ie Facebook and Twitter). Awarded only by any Warrant Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) by General BOTOOH(OD)

active on Bnet.

Date: Sun Aug 22, 2004 5:34 AM.

Awarded for high activeness in Game, Forums, Discord, and Social Media (ie Facebook and Twitter). Recipient must have received the Defense Distinguished Service Medal and shown consistent activity. Awarded only by Officers or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) by Lieutenant General Dosed(OD)

Very active on b.net great job =) I watch from my bot !!

Date: Tue Dec 07, 2004 3:45 AM.

Awarded for supreme activeness in Game, Forums, Discord, and Social Media (ie Facebook and Twitter). Recipient must have received the Defense Superior Service Medal and shown consistent activity. Awarded only by Generals or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) by General BOTOOH(OD)

Active BW player on east and keep on hosting tournies for every 1

Date: Wed Mar 09, 2005 1:27 PM.

Loyalty Medals
This medal is awarded to the above average member who has shown his loyalty. Awarded only by Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) by General BOTOOH(OD)

Very reliable member

Date: Wed Mar 09, 2005 1:27 PM.

This medal is given to members who have proven themselves loyal and trustworthy. Recipient must have received the Navy Achievement Medal. Awarded only by Senior Officers or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) by General BigBaller(OD)

very loyal to clan overdosed, works hard to help improve OD. Congrats for making it into the finals on our image contest!

Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:33 AM.

This medal is given only to members who are competent, loyal, reliable at all times. Recipient must have received the Navy Cross Medal. Awarded only by Generals or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) by Lieutenant General Dosed(OD)

Very loyal to our clan has been here for a good amount of time.

Date: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:06 AM.

Tournament Medals
This medal is awarded to members who wins an outterclan tournament. Must have some type of proof. Awarded only by Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) by General dgreenbud(OD)

won a outta clan tourny goodjob

Date: Sat May 28, 2005 9:52 PM.

This medal is given to a member who wins an interclan tournament. Awarded only by Warrant Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) by General DeathStorm(OD)

Won my graphics contest for the runpage :)

Date: Fri Nov 28, 2008 5:20 AM.

Knowledge Medals
This Medal is awarded to anyone that has a basic knowledge of bots. Must be able to load at least ONE bot. Awarded only by Officers or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) by General BOTOOH(OD)

1 bot load good job

Date: Sun Aug 22, 2004 5:33 AM.

This Medal is awarded to anyone that has an excellent knowledge of bots. Must be able to load at least FOUR bots all at once on the same realm. Recipient must have received the Navy Achievement Medal. Awarded only by Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) by General BOTOOH(OD)

6 bot load good job

Date: Sun Aug 22, 2004 5:33 AM.

This Medal is awarded to anyone that has an exceptional knowledge of bots. Must be able to load at least EIGHT bots all at once on the same realm. Recipient must have received the Navy Achievement Medal. Awarded only by Officers or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) by Lieutenant General Thigus(OD)

Provided clear evidence of being able to load 20 bots onto 1 server.

Date: Fri Apr 04, 2008 3:08 AM.

Diplomatic Medals
Awarded for helping set up an alliance. The clan must be active, at least 2 months old, mature leader (no 13 years old), at 25 members, and decent website. Only awarded by a Commander until further notice.

Reason given:
This award was given to Lieutenant Colonel Tester(OD) by Commander corgur(OD)

setting up alliances with a bunch of clans; this is retroactive.

Date: Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:43 PM.

Honor Medals
No Awards Yet

Member of the Month Medals
No Awards Yet

Current Statistics
[There are currently 510 active users browsing this site]
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There is currently 0 members, 0 anonymous members and 1 guest, total of 1 user viewing this page.
Legend:   Commander | General | General (3* - 1*) | Senior Officer | Officer | Warrant Officer | Enlisted | Trial Member

Total Views for this Page Since June 17, 2010:  2067