Welcome to Clan Overdosed!

Clan Overdosed Rules

Community Rules
  • Community Wide Rules

Please note that community rules, including those on Discord and the Forum, are universal. They apply to all Divisions, channels, voice chats, and all other aspects of OD. To be a part of Overdosed, or to use the utilities provided by Overdosed, is to agree to and abide by these community rules.

  1. Bad manners are NOT tolerated. Bad manners include but are not limited to:
    1. Insulting of another member, or non-member alike.
    2. Any form of putting another member/non-member down and/or belittling them in any way.
    3. Any form of Racism towards another member/non-member. This includes any form of the N word. It's not acceptable.
    4. Not showing respect to any member who deserves the respect.
    5. Remember BM is relative. If you say something and only one person is offended by it, it's still BM if they wish to pursue it.
    6. Sexual harassment is not allowed under any circumstance. It will fall under BM and you will be removed immediately for it if proof is provided.
  2. Hacking is strictly prohibited within the community. Any 3rd party program that modifies the game experience in any way is banned. If it violates any Terms of Use, or EULA in a game, then it's forbidden within Overdosed.
  3. Account sharing is forbidden. You and only you are allowed to login to your OD website account.
  4. You may not ask for votes of any kind.
  5. Adhere to the Days Since Login (DSL) Policy to retain your membership in Overdosed.
    1. Enlisted Members: Login once every 13 days to prevent any demotion. On the 14th day you will be demoted and on the 15th day you will be disabled.
    2. Warrant Officers: Login once every 9 days to prevent any demotion. On the 10th day you will be demoted and on the 11th day you will be disabled.
    3. Officers: Login once every 6 days to prevent any kind of demotion. On the 7th day you will be demoted and on the 8th day you will be disabled.
    4. Keep in mind, it is possible to receive a double demotion when falling out of the Officer ranks and into the Warrant Officer, as well as Warrant Officer into the Enlisted range.
  6. Respect the decisions of the Generals at all times. If there is a disagreement with a decision that has been made, follow the following process :
    1. Report to another General beyond the one who made the decision. Appeal to them and plead your case.
    2. If they stand by the decision made, and ONLY then, take your case to a Commander and repeat the process of appealing your case.
    3. If the Commander stands by the decision, then there is no further appeals available.

To uphold the rules and protocol of OverDosed Gaming and insure the fair treatment of all of our members, OverDosed Gaming and/or its officials will make use of any available information related to a given incident, including but not limited to: logs, screenshots and recordings to regulate and ensure a quality gaming experience.

By joining OverDosed Gaming, participating/submitting to our forums, or affiliating with any game community related to OverDosed, all persons:

  1. Agree to the fair use of any evidence in question to breaking our terms or rules/conditions may be used against the partnership between the persons and OverDosed.
  2. The right for OverDosed to revoke any affiliation and/or permissions the person(s) have to OverDosed resources. Our community reserves the right to use this information in whichever fashion is deemed necessary, freely and without persecution.

Discord Rules

All Users
  1. All users will abide by good mannerisms, and treat all other members in the discord with respect. There will be no bashing or degradation of other users well being.
  2. While profanity is not banned, do keep it in check. Excessive use of profanity will not be tolerated. Respect the other players in the channel you're in.
  3. While we encourage guests to join the server, guests who do not abide by these rules, just as an OD member, will be removed from the server. In the event of recurring instances, the user will be permanently banned from joining the server.
  4. Prejudiced behavior of any type, including but not limited to, racism, sexism, homophobia and religious intolerance, is strictly forbidden and will be punished with extreme diligence.
  5. Impersonating another user, or naming yourself with a falase rank or staff title are strictly prohibited.
  6. OD members will be bound to these rules 24/7 while inside discord. Punishments can and will range from suspencion from discord, to demotions on the website, and even a disablement if the violation calls for a disablement.  Official invite to OD Discord:  https://discord.gg/QP57wVh
All Members
  1. All OD Members must be in their (OD) tagged name, as it appears on the website. Failure to comply may result in you not receiving your Rank group or any Staff group.
  2. All  OD rules apply while you are in the Discord Server.
Administration Rules
  1. Members with the power to move others within the discord server can move members at their discretion, with the understanding that abuse of this power will result in an administrative action.
  2. Those who have administrative power have them for a reason. Any abuse of the power given to you can and will be removed. Be responsible when using the power you have access to. Do NOT kick or ban people for no reason.
  3. Those who have abused their power, will be placed in their Ranks Restricted group. While in this group, all admin powers are revoked.
  4. If you are banned from Discord, those administrative actions will carry over to discord and vice versa as needed. 
Discord Specific Rules
  1. Divisions will be allotted as many channels as their division needs. If a division has an excessive and unneeded number of channels, those channels may become subject to deletion.
  2. Please keep in mind that Discord has global text channels instead of text channels for every voice channel. Many text channels have specific purposes. Please try to be mindful with which one you're typing in.

All information regarding Discord powers can be found here.

Forum Rules

  1. All members of the forum will be treated with utmost respect. BM isn't tolerated in any aspect.
  2. All posts must contribute something to the discussion within the thread.
    1. The occasional one word or image posts are allowed, so long as they contribute and serve a purpose to the discussion. A picture can be worth a thousand words.
    2. Irrelevant posts will not be tolerated. Don't post just because you can.
    3. Failure to abide by this rule can result in the suspension or disablement of your forum account.
  3. Forum posts are to be concise and too the point when it comes to proposing discussions or ideas.
    1. When proposing new ideas, don't just complain about a problem. Propose a viable solution to the problem.
  4. Your Avatar and Signature may be whatever you wish, however it may not contain nudity, suggestive themes, or obscene language.
    1. Keep in mind, that you're not the only user allowed to have a signature, and be mindful of other users. Nobody wants to scroll excessively just to traverse the thread.
  5. Keep the topic on track, and do not derail any topics. Be aware of where you post new topics and ensure that they're posted in the appropriate forum.

Self Promotions

As much as OD strives to be a fair community that acknowledges the hard work of all their members, in reality there are circumstances where Division Leaders or Administrators fail to notice the efforts of some members because they are inactive, distracted, or just kinda suck at their job. It is for those situations that OD has enabled the ability for members to put themselves up onto the promotion pending list. This is legal, and their promotion still depends upon the positive votes of their peers from the Promotion Pending List. There are very specific conditions that should be met before self-promoting is considered acceptable.


  • The purpose of self-promoting is to compensate for situations where a member has not been properly recognized for their feats. This means there must have been enough time gone by to have provided leaders and admins the opportunity to recognize them. If it's only been a few days since a member is eligible for promotion, that's not a reasonable frame of time to give other peopoloe an opportunity to recognize your efforts. The generally accepted amount of time is thirty (30) days. If a member has put in a consistent amount of noticeable hard work with obvious accomplishments and has failed to receive recognition for a whole month since their last promotion, then the community will usually accept the need for them to self-promote.
  • There has to be a real, easily recognized efforts and results by the person who put themselves up for promotion. You can't just put yourself up for promotion because you're "very active", you need to have done something that people will universally agree was helpful and provided a solid contribution to the Community. Self-Promotions are very controversial by nature, so for best effect, the results need to be something no one would dispute as being worthy of a promotion. Furthermore, any and all self promotions must be put up with a null vote. Do not add votes to your self-promotion. It must always be zero(0).
  • If your next promotion would change tier( i.e. from Enlisted to Warrant Officer) or if you're an officer or higher, you should never ever self-promote yourself, no matter the circumstance. Officers should always achieve their recognition from their peers, and tier changing promotions are considered too significant in the community to be self-judged.


"But Terra, if we aren't supposed to be using self-promotions more often than 30 days, why does the website allow us to use it every 7 days?"

At any given time the number of scripters that Overdosed has available to work on our website averages about zero(0). Once every so often we manage to achieve 1. The reality is that our community develops at a much faster rate in which the website can be altered to adjust, and the result of that is there is already a long to-do list of changes that our staff need to work on in their free time, which is accomplished in order of priority. So, keep yourself up-to-date on how the modern-day OD community operates. Think smart. Work Smart. Play smart.  For more indepth information on the rules, see "The Guide to Everything."

~Written by Terra(OD) on Nov 1, 2015 (updated by Purplez(OD) 9/15/22)


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There are currently 0 members, 0 anonymous members and 4 guests, total of 4 users viewing this page.
Legend:   Commander | General | General (3* - 1*) | Senior Officer | Officer | Warrant Officer | Enlisted | Trial Member

Total Views for this Page Since August 11, 2003:  67947